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  • All the parents and teachers of the school are members of this Association. The General Body meetings of the PTA will be held at the beginning and the end of each academic year.

    To facilitate better interaction between parents and the school, they are invited in smaller groups (class wise) for periodic dialogues and discussions. Parents’ attendance at these meetings is earnestly solicited.

    The main aims of the Association are
    1. To make the parents involve themselves actively in the various activities of the school.
    2. To bring about better understanding of the problems of the children through frequent parent-teacher interaction.
    3. To acquaint the parents with the modern methods of education through lectures, seminars and cultural programmes so that they can co-operate with the teachers in moulding the total personality of the children. The subscription would be Rs.10/- per term.

  • The origin of the World Confederation of Don Bosco Past Pupils dates back to the 24" of June 1870, the feast day of Don Bosco. It sprang from the family spirit of the Preventive System at the Valdocco Oratory in Turin, Italy. The Past Pupils movement was not something started by the educators as an association for schoolleavers but for group activities with a selected membership.

    By the virtue of studying in a Don Bosco School the candidate on leaving school automatically is known as a Past Pupil. However, to take part in the activities of the association one needs to become a member of the association. Annual Membership — Rs. 100/-(valid up to 14th August of the year)

    Student Membership — Rs. 250/- (paid by outgoing Students before availing their T.C. valid for 5 years up to 14th August of the 5th year )Life Membership — Rs. 1000/-

    Don Bosco Aynavaram is a registered unit of the Chennai Provincial Federation of the Don Bosco Past Pupils (which is affiliated to the Indian National Federation of Don Bosco Alumni and World Confederation of Don Bosco Past Pupils) and takes part in both Regional and National Level events of the Past Pupils.

    The Reunion and General Body Meeting is on the 15th August Every year. There is an Executive Committee formed. Its members meet monthly. The Past Pupils are an integral part of the school they are invited for various functions and help / work along with the school in many developmental projects.

  • To develop interests in Tamil language and its literature. To learn,read and write, Tamil without grammatical mistakes.

  • To develop interests in english language and its literature. To learn,read and write, english without grammatical mistakes.